
Archive for November, 2011

The Story Thus Far

November 29th, 2011 No comments

“NaNoWriMo novel massively behind. Need to get through half of plot, twelve thousand words in two days,” he thought, wild plans racing through his head.

“Nothing for it,” he sighed, “I’ll just have to bust this out the hard way.”

He swung his legs over the side of the chair, put on his trusty Batman pajama pants, tossed on a clean but ill-fitting t-shirt and plopped down at the computer…

Categories: Create Every Day Tags:

I Made a T-Shirt for You Guys!

November 17th, 2011 1 comment

Hey everybody. Check it out: I made a T-shirt design on Zazzle:

You should totally buy one! Or more!

(For anyone that doesn’t understand the joke, this is in response to congress’ remarkable foresight in protecting the rights of all Americans by upholding that pizza and fries count as vegetables for school lunch. Go America! Land of the free fat and unhealthy.)

Categories: Create Every Day Tags:

Super Simple, Super Fun Dinner for 2 to 12

November 10th, 2011 No comments

Here’s an idea Dore and I tried out last night: Pizza party night. We just bought:

  • Pre-baked pizza crusts (We found some gluten free, pre-baked pizza crusts that actually have a really nice “thin crust” consistency)
  • Pizza sauce (one giant can is like $1.50 at our local market)
  • Block of mozzarella
  • Ranch dressing
  • Chicken breast
  • Salami (We found an antipasto pack with prosciutto, two salamis, and a dry coppa that works great for pizzas and a pre-dinner appetizers)
  • Bell peppers
  • Can of black olives (Yes, we did try to stick them on our fingers!)
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes
  • Red and yellow onions
  • Fresh garlic

You’re obviously welcome to pick any ingredients that sound good to you. The real trick is that you don’t have to be a great chef to come up with great combos: you can pretty much write your shopping list straight off of the ad for your favorite restaurant pizza! Or make up your own.

Prep is super simple: Just slice everything up (you know, like a pizza topping!)

Pop the finished pizzas in a preheated oven (the crusts you have should have directions; we did 375 degrees for ~9 minutes and were right on).

Slice on a cutting board and voila: dinner for two to four in about 30 minutes. Or make an assembly line out of the whole process and just keep popping pizzas into the oven until everyone at the party is full. It’s just an extra 10 min for each set of pizzas Our oven can hold four 10″ pizzas, plenty for four people, and enough for 12 to share comfortably until the next round. 🙂

Dore and I think this would be a great idea for a party. Anyone want to come over for a pizza, movie and ice cream night?

Bonus Question: Even if you can’t make it, what would you prefer for dessert: sundaes, ice cream floats, or both?

Oh, and if anyone tries this I’d love to hear how it turns out!

Categories: Create Every Day Tags: