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Walk to Work: Avocado Surprise

January 13th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

I managed to squeek squeak [thanks, Mom :-)] off three pictures on my walk to work.  The only one I’m sort of happy with is this one:



The lighting is pretty good, if cool, and I liked the odd position of the fallen avocado next to a couple of what appear to be some sort of bulb plant.  The framing and composition are okay, and I don’t see much of a way I could have improved them. I’m glad that at least there is not a lot of extra clutter contending for attention, and in that respect it works pretty well.

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  1. Mom
    January 18th, 2009 at 17:32 | #1

    Squeek !? I guess that’s “well” enough !

  2. Ryan
    January 18th, 2009 at 21:13 | #2

    Drat… I always mess up mundane details. Thanks for pointing that out.

  3. Mom
    January 20th, 2009 at 21:49 | #3

    OK. Enough with correcting your spelling. ( If FCS had a fault, it was to ignore the art of spelling to allow for creativity.)
    I guess you are a big boy now and I can give you wings to screw up if you so choose. It is actually interesting to see a mistake from you once in awhile !! You ARE acclimatizing to the normalcy of the human race !! Oh, I am soooooo proud ! You are as usual, amazing to me and I will always adore you. (See, how DORE fits in that word ?! Clever.)

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